A new program in Louisville makes mental health care more accessible to at-risk youth. The Transformative Justice Health Lifestyle Program held its first conference Thursday at the Frazier Museum. The conference included a panel discussion about the need for mental health services. Organizers provide specialized mental health treatment to children and adolescents who engage in violent behavior. Ida Dickey, the nonprofit's founder, said the program looks at criminal behavior, particularly gang behavior, from a mental health perspective, adding, “People join gangs for a variety of reasons; The reasons are primarily emotional,” Dickey said. “They meet a number of important emotional needs, including safety, security and a sense of belonging. But even in gangs, unfortunately, their identity is shaped by the wrong values. ” Transformative justice provides intensive individual and group services to gang members. In this program, a medical professional will assist you with drug treatment.
A new program in Louisville makes mental health care more accessible to at-risk youth.
The Transformative Justice Health Lifestyles Program held its first meeting Thursday at the Frazier Museum.
The conference featured a panel discussion on the need for mental health services to provide safer communities.
Organizers provide specialized mental health treatment to children and adolescents who engage in violent behavior.
Dr. Ida Dickey, the nonprofit's founder, said the program will look at criminal behavior, particularly gang behavior, from a mental health perspective.
“People join gangs for a variety of reasons, but the primary one is emotional,” Dickey said. “They meet many important emotional needs, such as safety, security, and a sense of belonging. But even in gangs, unfortunately, their identities are shaped by the wrong values.”
Transformative Justice provides intensive individual and group therapy for gang members.
This program provides medical professionals to assist with drug treatment.