TAL Education Group (NYSE:TAL) shareholders may have reason to smile today after analysts significantly upgraded their statutory forecasts for this year. Analysts believe TAL Education Group will generate significantly higher sales than previously expected, leading to a strong revenue increase.
After this upgrade, TAL Education Group's 19 analysts now predict sales of US$2 billion in 2025. This represents a significant 37% improvement in sales compared to the previous 12 months. Before the latest forecast was released, analysts had predicted that the company's 2025 revenue would be US$1.9 billion. The consensus has definitely become more optimistic, with a significant increase in revenue estimates.
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Looking at the bigger picture here, one way to understand these forecasts is to see how they compare to past performance and industry growth forecasts. One thing that stands out about these forecasts is that TAL Education Group is expected to grow faster than ever before, with revenue expected to grow at an annualized rate of 37% by the end of 2025. about it. Once achieved, this will look like this: That's much better than the 15% annual decline over the past five years. Compare this to analyst forecasts for the industry as a whole. Industry revenues (in total) are expected to grow by 11% annually. Not only are TAL Education Group's earnings expected to improve, but analysts also seem to expect TAL Education Group to grow faster than the broader industry.
The highlight for us was that the analysts raised TAL Education Group's revenue forecasts for this year. They also forecast faster revenue growth than the broader market. Now might be the right time to take another look at his TAL Education Group, given that analysts seem to be expecting a significant improvement in its sales pipeline.
This is a pretty significant upgrade, but shareholders might be even happier to know that TAL Education Group is expected to reach breakeven within the next few years. For more information, click to access our free platform and learn more about these predictions.
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