Ajan, associate dean of the Love School of Business and professor of management information systems, spoke to national news outlets about how artificial intelligence technology is impacting the customer search experience.
Have you ever wondered how social media and e-commerce sites are able to provide you with the best shopping suggestions? This is thanks to the use of algorithms that take into account a user's past behavior online. , Artificial intelligence technology is now making these algorithms even more predictive.

Haya Ajan, associate dean of the Love School of Business and professor of management information systems, recently spoke with CBS News about how retailers can customize products based on users' preferences and past shopping behavior. It sheds further light on how AI is impacting the way we do things.
“Sometimes when I go to Amazon, I feel like what Amazon is recommending is exactly what I need to buy,” Ajan told CBS News reporter Kelly Breen. “It takes away the search I was even trying to start, but the way it usually works is by having an algorithm analyze my online activity, how I browse the web, where I'm searching, and then modify my search results. It's about trying to predict.'' necessary. Sometimes I wonder if the websites I use are anticipating my needs, or even needs I wasn't aware of. ”
Ajan compared social media to the famous Christmas window at Macy's department store in New York City.
“They're really famous and related to shopping and attracting viewers and motivating us to buy. It's exactly the same way we interact with Instagram and TikTok,” Ajan said. Ta. “Research shows that 62% of shoppers report being interested in a product or brand after seeing it in person in Stories or in their feed. I think that's really powerful. Consumers 49% of consumers rely on influencers…Social media channels are changing the way we shop.”
Read the full article for more information.
Ajan is also the Gordon Professor of Entrepreneurship and teaches courses in data analysis and information systems in Elon's undergraduate business and MBA programs. She founded the Center for Organizational Analysis at her Elon and helped develop the curriculum for the Master of Business Administration in Organizational Analysis. She received her MBA and PhD from the Belk College of Business at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Her research focuses on better understanding the impact of technology use on individuals, groups, and organizations. She has published research papers in national and international journals such as Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Operations Research, Behavior & Information Technology, British Journal of Educational Technology, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice. I am writing. Enterprise Information Management Journal.