As the seven-phase Lok Sabha election begins on Friday, online commerce companies, including food delivery platforms, are offering options such as levying surcharges and extending delivery times on polling day to deal with voting by couriers. Industry sources said they are considering it.
Most e-commerce platforms, especially quick commerce companies, do not announce holidays for delivery companies on election day, unlike the mandatory paid holidays given to employees under section 135B of the Representation of the People Act, 1951.
Quick commerce businesses and food delivery platforms could see a surge in orders on Election Day, as most brick-and-mortar stores will be required to close for much of the day.
When contacted, a BigBasket spokesperson said delivery slots for BBNow, the company's quick commerce arm, are spread out throughout the day, giving delivery executives plenty of time to vote. That was it.
in zomato
The Roku Sabah
Concerned about delivery workers' voting rights, Chennai advocates write to Tamil Nadu elections
“We have come to know that online delivery platforms like Flipkart and BigBasket continue to guarantee their delivery services even after April 19. This raises serious concerns regarding infringement,” advocate K. Narasimhan wrote in the letter.
He stressed that many of these people are gig workers and may choose to work without voting rights for fear of losing their daily income. Tamil Nadu will vote on April 19.