Did you know that WV Adult Education is for everyone? We have long been known as a place to earn your high school diploma (often referred to as a GED). Adult Education still provides her HSE, but much more. WV Adult Education does not have residency or income guidelines. The only requirements are that you must be at least 16 years old and have left the public school system. Everything offered through adult education is free to learners.
The goal of adult education is to improve the skill set of adult learners so that they can enter the workforce or training with confidence. Services offered include:
* Preparation for entrance exams (higher education, employment, military)
* Industry recognized qualifications
* Employment certificate
* Academic review
* Literacy class
* English as a second language course
* Career exploration
* Resume, cover letter and interview skills support
* Mathematics courses that can be used for CSM, job applications and university credit
The ultimate goal of adult education is to bridge the skills gap between employers and workers. It's important to remember that a college degree is not the only career path. Her 40% of employers estimate that her skills will be available for her four years or less. That's why we, as adults, must strive to become lifelong learners. Her 1.5 million adult learners in the United States engage in adult education to upskill for better careers. Please join us!
If you (or someone you know) are looking for a way to enhance your resume, and/or if you are an employer looking for a way to upgrade the skill set of your current employees, consider an adult education program. We recommend stretching it out. For more information and to find an adult education institution near you, visit https://wvde.us/social-education/.
Deanna Addis is an adult education instructor at the Wood County Adult Learning Center.