Our readers in the Wichita Falls area represent a wide variety of voices and perspectives. Letters to the editor are written by members of the local community and reflect their personal beliefs, not the beliefs of the Times Record His News. The opinions in these letters are neither endorsed nor opposed by Times Record News.
Texas has a state budget surplus of $32.7 billion, yes, $1 billion, and public schools are suffering. Our governor wants to invest in giving people $8,000 in vouchers to spend on homeschool or private school. What is this money oversight? Why would so many people from out of state want to invest in getting this bill passed in Texas? Follow the money. Someone other than the politicians who benefit from donations will benefit! Is there something I'm missing about how this money is being spent? The only people who will suffer from vouchers are Texas kids.
Please wake up. Do we want to live stuck at the bottom of the barrel of good education? no! Spend that money on public schools and give all children the best education possible. Get your kids educated for “job growth” in Texas. These companies moving to Texas are bringing with them employees who have the skills and knowledge needed to do the job. We must educate Texas children! Do not vote for candidates who support education vouchers. Make our public education the best it can be.
Terry Gilleland, Wichita Falls
The Times Record-News will print all letters we receive if they are signed and do not contain abusive language or personal attacks. You cannot print letters from incarcerated individuals. Letters may be edited for length, grammar, and spelling. We reserve the right to print letters anonymously at the request of the letter author and if the individual identifies themselves to us by name, address, and/or telephone number. Letters to the editor can be sent to Trish Choate, interim editor and girlfriend, at TChoate@Gannett.com.
This article originally appeared in the Wichita Falls Times-Record News: Letter: Don't vote for vouchers supporting candidates