April 1, Peak Health Alliance The company announced that it has appointed Richard Cimino as its new executive officer. Alliance describes itself as a leading advocate for health care solutions in rural Colorado.
“My goal is to fight for my customers, my clients, and those who deserve quality health care at an affordable price they understand,” Cimino said in a press release. “I will work with providers and carriers to reduce government burden and system complexity. I will primarily be an advocate for healthcare customers and work with partners to reduce government burden and system complexity. We are committed to providing quality health care.”
He is currently an elected member of the Grand County Board of County Commissioners and has served on the Peak Health Alliance Board of Directors for four years. Additionally, Cimino serves on the Colorado Health Insurance Affordability Enterprise Board..
Ann Ladd is the former CEO of Peak Health and expressed confidence in her successor.
“It was important to me that Peak find a quality insurance partner and ensure that it is stable for the future before I retire,” Rudd said. “I am excited about the current situation at Peak and believe it is a good time to bring in fresh, visionary leadership. I strongly believe that Rich is the right person for this job now. .”
Peak Health Alliance partners with Denver Health Medical Plan's Elevate Health Plans to provide health coverage to a total of nine counties in Colorado, including Grand, Montezuma, Lake, San Juan and Summit counties.
As executive director, Cimino said he aims to champion the interests of healthcare consumers while promoting transparency.