I won't be writing much about this today as I'm going to address some questions regarding the backlog of mailbags, but I wanted to give everyone an update on my health after a heart attack a few weeks ago. Ta.
Basically I'm as good as I can be. I mean, I feel okay, but the medical professionals are still debating a little bit what condition I could be in. A pacemaker/defibrillator was attached to his chest to reduce further accidents. No one has come yet. I've also been told not to put my left hand above my head, and to take about 12 strangely named pills a day. Compared to my standards, I may be a little agitated, but relatively energetic. I really miss working out. It also feels strange that sometimes I have to expend so much energy just to get out of bed. But my heart is strong and enthusiastic, so I'll start posting my writing here again once the season is over.
I do not have an official work permit. The long-term prognosis was also not explained. The more you hear what they told their families about all of this, the more you don't want to hear. Apparently, Scoot Henderson's 3-pointer could make it and they'll make it this far, not just unscathed, but alive. No, wait, he's gotten better since I last checked.about 1⁄3 Possibility of 3 Scoots participating. That's interesting to hear if you're that subject. They also anticipated the possibility of further impairments, but it appears there are no such impairments. (Please be careful if you want to make fun of my analysis. Ha!)
For now, I will continue to do my best and continue writing as much as possible. Over the past few weeks, we've been trying to address some of the open questions regarding Blazer's Edge Mailbag. I won't be able to complete them all, but I will try to complete at least 2-3.
Thank you to everyone who asked questions and offered support. I hope this becomes a minor or non-existent issue as we journey into the future together.