Helena, Mont. – The Maker's Market, a Billings business, today won the 2024 Retailer of the Year award at the annual Made in Montana food and gift trade show in Helena. Montana Lt. Governor Kristen Juras and Department of Commerce Deputy Secretary Mandy Rumbaugh presented the award to Maker's Market owner Victoria Eichel at the show.
“For 40 years, the Made in Montana program has helped grow our state's economy, and we are thrilled to be able to show the public all of our high-quality, creative Montana-made products here at the show. We are excited,” said Deputy Director Mandy Rambo. of the Montana Department of Commerce. “The Montana Department of Commerce would like to congratulate The Maker's Market on winning the Retailer of the Year award today. We would also like to congratulate the other honorees and all the made-in-trade who make this trade show such a success each year.・I would also like to pay tribute to Montana businesses.”
Maker's Market is a 16,500 square foot retail store selling handmade products made by makers from across Montana. The manufacturer generates his 100% of sales by joining monthly memberships to get more profit from the product. The Marketplace connects manufacturers and consumers, ships products across the United States, and provides a landing spot for manufacturers to get in front of a wider audience. Products include food, goods, and services.
“Maker's Market is grateful to be named Made in Montana Retailer of the Year. We are made up of a community of makers, and our community continues to grow.” said owner Victoria Eichel. “Showing off the skill set in crafting the beauty of our beloved Montana is what our makers do best. Stop by, introduce yourself and learn more about Made in Montana Makers Please support us.”
Each year, Montana retailers are nominated by their peers to receive the Retailer of the Year Award. Other awards presented by Lieutenant Governor Juras and Deputy Commissioner Lambeau on today's show include:
Best overall in the show – Living Sky Grain is based in Three Forks and produces regenerative, nutritious grains, legumes, and oilseeds.
Best Show Award Honorable Mention – Churchill-based Natural Essentials makes creams, lotions, bath salts, therapeutic lip balms, herpes remedies, cloth napkins and handmade coat hangers.
Best New Exhibitor at the Show – Badlands Sustainable Resources is based in Glendive and develops handcrafted granola using wholesome, natural ingredients.
This year, Commerce is celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Made in Montana program and the 26th anniversary of the annual trade show. For more information about Made in Montana programs and exhibitions, visit madeinmontanausa.com or visit Facebook.
Tag: Made in Montana Program