In 2018, the Technical Cooperation Group (TCG) on Sustainable Development Goal 4 Indicators, in its report on thematic indicator 4.a.3 (“Number of attacks against students, staff and institutions”) Attacks on Education (AoE) data was employed. '), under Objective 4.a on Safe Learning Environments. Incident counts reflect both the principled position that “an attack on education is an attack on education” and the limitations of input data that often cannot be categorized by the exact type of attack or its outcome. Masu. Still, it is not consistent with the intuition that there can be very different scenarios with the same total number of attacks but with different protection needs. Based on a review of the literature, consultation with key informants, and examples of other indicators, this report combines different aspects of attacks on education into indicators to assess the number of attacks on education and their severity. We aim to explore methodological options for complementation with measures of . . Additionally, the report proposes a feasible structure for a Severity Index of Attacks on Education, along with suggestions on how to populate that structure with existing data. The data for Burkina Faso was scored using preliminary criteria as a case study.