vice president of zimbabwe Constantino Chiwenga on Thursday warned the country's youth that the government would block all higher education scholarships from LGBTQ+ advocacy groups.
In a statement, Chimwenga said the LGBTQ+ organization's scholarships were “illegal” and a move by “foreign interests” to recruit disadvantaged students into “lesbian, gay, transgender and bisexual activities.” denounced. He went on to say:
Our schools and higher education institutions will not accept applicants. Much less will we admit those associated with the alien, anti-life, un-African, un-Christian values that are encouraged, cultivated and practiced by the decadent society we share. There is no moral or cultural affinity. Zimbabwe is a sovereign African nation with clear laws and values that set it apart from other customs.
Mr Chiwenga continued to advise Zimbabwean youths eligible for entry into tertiary education to approach government departments tasked with awarding grants and scholarships to assist those with particularly deserving cases. Ta.[t]Never be tempted to trade or sell your soul for such an abominable diabolical offer. ”
Zimbabwe passed a law Criminalize homosexuality. Article 73 of the Criminal Code prohibits sexual relations between men. According to Amnesty International, Zimbabwe is one of 33 countries in Africa where homosexual acts are criminalized, with Mauritania, Sudan, northern Nigeria and southern Somalia also including the death penalty as punishment for homosexual acts.